5 Signs That You Need Help from a Career Counsellor

Rachna Mimani
5 Signs That You Need Help from a Career Counsellor

Career counseling is the most effective way to steer your career in the right direction. Career Counseling, whether offline or online, has become an accepted practice in order to get a sense of clarity about life and the career an individual should pursue. Counseling also helps boost confidence in individuals and advises them about their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.

When you’re considering the next big move in your career, it is very important to know all the possible spheres you could explore to get your desired results. Often parents, friends, relatives and even acquaintances act as influencers in decisions of the career of an individual. They speak from their perspective and even if not entirely incorrect, it might not work out for you. A career counsellor will help you see your drawbacks and strengths and help you work on them. They provide you with solutions appropriate for your situation while your personality keeping in mind.


Here are 9 signs that indicate on getting help from Career Counsellor:

    1. When you’re clueless about your next action

Ignorance is not bliss! Often, we find ourselves confused or utterly clueless about what career we want to opt for. With a plethora of disciplines in the contemporary world, individuals often feel lost about which one to go for. You can either dive into the job market or prepare for higher education. Both involve a risk of failure. This is when you need an expert’s help for proper and complete guidance on the right career choice.

A counsellor has varied and rich experience in understanding people and providing them with customized solutions. They consider your personality traits, interests, strengths and weaknesses and also subsequently help you  find answers to your questions keeping your preferences in mind.


    1. When you feel trapped in your choice of Career

If you’re continuously underperforming in your current job, receiving ‘stinkers’ from your employer on a regular basis (although you’ve been a university topper), you might have chosen the wrong career for yourself. It is said that work doesn’t feel like work once you find love in it. This might mark the need for you to consult an expert – A Career Counsellor.

At this point, when you aim for a Career transformation, it is best to consult a professional to guide you to the right path for a successful career ahead.


    1. Looking for career options after graduation

After graduation, you either dive into the job market or look for an option for higher education. Both options have their own perks and risks. Most college students feel this dilemma after they graduate and look for solutions themselves. It is advisable to seek professional help at this stage of life before you start your career. This will help you in self-realization and also guide you to the right career path.

    1. When your job doesn’t give you happiness

You can be earning a handsome amount every month. Yet, the job you do doesn’t excite you. This might be because you’re in the wrong job profile! There’s something that brings leaves you dissatisfied with your work but you cannot very well explain it. Times like these call for professional help. A career counsellor will help you find exactly what causes you to suffocate  in your work environment after assessing your personality traits. An aptitude test will help both of you understand your weaknesses, strengths and interests for a better-personalized solution to your problems.


    1. When you feel your career has become stagnant

It is very critical that you keep on progressing in your career. Career growth not only is important for financial growth but is equally important for your personality development and confidence. There’s always a point when individuals look for growth and feel they have reached the saturation point and have stopped progressing. While many individuals self-support themselves by coming up with different solutions, there are still people who find themselves in complete despair.

This is when you should go looking for professional help to re-assess your goals, ambitions and the right career path to reach the goal.