How to Make Time for Reading?

Rachna Mimani
How to Make Time for Reading?

Books have always been known as man’s greatest treasure. They open knowledge gateways to us that help us to get through life. Everyone should return to the habit of reading books of any genre, rather than stay glued to the social media. Some of the busiest people on our planet are also avid readers. Unless you read, you’re deprived of the immense knowledge and teachings that the books have to offer.

Reading sparks creativity and helps you grow as a human by upgrading your intellect. With the onset of the Internet, people are reading less and less as days go by. The only excuse that most of us come up with is the unavailability of time because of other important things in life that we have to take care of.

Most careers require you to be creative. It is important to understand that books can help you with both personal and professional growth.

Here are 5 ways to take out time to read more books:

1. Get more books than you can read

Libraries are spread all over the world. If you’re a person who likes to borrow books from the library, do it more often. Borrow more than you can read over a week. Having physical books piled up in your house will act as your motivation to finish them and you’ll end up reading more than you might have actually imagined.

If you’re a digital reader, make sure you download a stockpile of books into your e-reader. This helps you with a plethora of choices at your fingertips for your ‘reading mood’.

2. Read more than one book at a time

Most people read one book at a time. But there are clear benefits of reading more than one book at a time. Maybe you can keep fiction for your bedtime and while commuting, or in the day time, you can read books that deal with real situations and analyses presented in the non-fiction books. Personal Development books should be read at your space and pace so that you have enough time to work on the recommendations/lessons from the book.

3. Set a specific goal per reading session

If you’re not in the habit of reading books or big chunks of text at a time, you should set reading time goals. For instance, challenge yourself to read at least 50 pages of a book before putting your book aside on the bedside table. Each day you could challenge yourself to read a little more. This will help you develop a healthy reading habit.


4. Don’t get stuck up with the ‘should’ reads

While you might find inspiration from the ‘best selling books’ section, read for yourself. A book cannot be forced onto someone. A book happens to you. Putting pressure on you to read something will not result in anything. You’ll end up hating reading books altogether. If you choose books that interest you, you’ll unlock a whole box of emotions and you’ll find yourself making more time to read the book out of excitement.

5. Read before bedtime

The World Wide Web has clogged the whole planet. With some or the other video breaking the internet, it is difficult to concentrate on a physical book. But it is the book reading that you exactly need to do. Quit just reading random articles that appear in your news feed. Before going to bed, keep your gadgets and pick up that book you’ve meaning to read for a long time. This also helps in relaxing your nerves and taking care of the stress from the day’s work. Reading a book after dinner also helps with your digestion, and keeps you healthy.

Think about your personality. There must be genres and titles that will appeal more to you than the others.
